Pretty A$$ Ex?

Happy Friday loves!

I hope you are feeling accomplished and relaxed as this week comes to an end. If not, slap open a phat bottle of wine and go start a bath.

Today I wanted to dive into the meaning of my product line That One Pretty A$$ Ex. If you haven't seen, this includes a t-shirt that is available in beige or baby blue, and a tan baseball cap. 

The perfect additions to a hot HEALED girl summer might I add.  ;) 

Now..I know that this statement can be taken in a negative tone, which is part of the reason why I want to clarify where my inspiration for it came from. There is no negativity here. There is not a single bitter bone in my body when it comes to people from my past. Absolutely nothin'. (The beauty of self-awareness, self-love, and healing ehh?)

We all serve each other one way or another and none of us are meant to be in the lives of everyone we meet for longer than X amount of time. The sooner you grasp that concept, the easier life becomes and the easier it is to be at peace with the types of people you come across and end up having to part ways with.

So with that being said, this is the energy that That One Pretty A$$ Ex carries...

- I am incredibly beautiful inside and out.

- I know how hard I've had to work to genuinely love myself and I'll be damned if I don't rock the shit out of that effort.

- I don't care who has done me dirty in the past, I don't care who plans to do me dirty in the future. I hold my own, I know my worth, I know that the universe has my back through every situation even if it's hard to see in that very moment.

- I am an amazing human that leaves a mark wherever I go. I am memorable. 

It has nothing to do with caring about what people from the past are doing, who they are seeing, comparing ourselves to other people - not a damn chance. It has everything to do with confidence, trusting in who you are as a person, trusting that the things that are meant to be will always be, and a little bit of humor. Healing and self-love can't always be so serious.

Plus, the term Ex doesn't even have to relate strictly to relationships. Did your job throw you to the curb during COVID like mine did? Boom. Ex coworker. You are now That One Pretty Ass Ex that gets to outshine the company that didn't see the value in you that you deserve. This statement can align with so many different portions of life, it just depends on how you look at it. Perspective perspective, a beautiful thing. 

I hope this gives a better understanding as to why I sell these items, because even if it looks silly to some people, the meaning behind it means something deeper to me. I've come a long way with my healing process and I know that there are so many others who have as well.

It is so important to me to be able to shine light on anyone who is working their ass off to heal whatever it is they need to heal, because it is not for the weak. It takes such strength that isn't always seen so easily.

Have a beautiful and safe weekend loves. Don't forget, you are That One Pretty A$$ Ex. Walk around with your head held high no matter what life is trying to teach you. That energy and self-love can be seen from a mile away. 



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