Meditation Saved My Life

Hello beautiful souls,

It's been a hot minute since I've written anything on here. I was a little down and out for a few months, as us precious humans go through at times -- BUT I am back at life full swing and feeling more powerful than ever. 

TODAY - I am wanting to dive into the concept of meditating and what it has done for me in my life. If you are unaware, I have two meditation related products in my boutique at the moment. My Post Meditation Glow hoodie and my Meditate Through That Sh*t notebook. (Side note.. I 100% plan to add more.)

I started meditating back in 2018 when I was in my breakthrough healing phase after a very traumatic relationship. I moved into my aunt's house down in Florida, which was a thousand miles away from everything I had grown up with. It was the perfect scenario to start to force myself to grow without being able to latch onto what and who I was comfortable with at the time. 

During this period, I thankfully had a person in my ear vouching for meditating and eating clean. As a 21 year old woman with high metabolism, not once did I ever think about any of those things. The whole concept was foreign to me, but I trusted this person's judgement so I decided to start carving a similar path for myself. 

The first step I took was I downloaded the good ol' app called Headspace, which I believe has gotten a lot more traction these days and it makes my heart so happy. It is the perfect beginner's step because it guides you through the most uncomfortable phase. The phase of not knowing what you are supposed to do, not knowing what you are supposed to think or not to think, what to do with your hands. 

*Cue the scene of Ricky Bobby's interview*

As the years have gone by, I implemented meditating into my daily morning routine. There are times when I will sit for 5 minutes, times when I will sit for 10 minutes, and times when I don't even put a timer on myself. All session lengths are important and beneficial even if it doesn't feel like it at the time.

The biggest difference I've seen in myself from this consistency is that my anxiety and overthinking issues have become very minimal. It began the process of healing my fight or flight demeanor and my obsession of caring what other people were thinking or doing that could potentionally harm me. YES those things can flare up at times and it sucks..but overall, it is a huge difference, especially when you are fully aware of those parts of yourself.

Healing is not linear either. There are times when you think that you are fully healed on a topic, trait or behavior and then sh*t comes around and you're like GAH DAMNIT MORE INNER WORK. It's just the messy beauty of the human experience and it's more than okay. 

The noticeable differences from meditating obviously don't stop at those few things. It opened my eyes to so many concepts about life and made me pinpoint the way I wanted to carry myself and how I wanted to treat others. Getting into a consistent meditation practice literally feels like the whole scenario of choosing to take the red pill or the blue pill

Well..meditating for me was like taking the red pill, and once you take the red pill, you can never go back to sleep. You are a lot more aware of things in your day to day life and society as a whole, and it's all because you sat there consistently..tuning into yourself for 5-10 minutes at a time. It ultimately led me to my personal spiritual awakening. 

Mpwr Product Sayings That Revolve Around Meditation:

-Post Meditation Glow is a little self explanatory. It was created because meditating has turned me into a more radiant human being. Even if other people can't see it, I can both feel and see it within myself which is what means the most.

-Meditate Through That Sh*t was created because whenever I am stuck on a certain event, decision, or emotion.. I meditate. Every. Single. Time. When I don't know what my head is saying and things are starting to get cloudy, I meditate. 

Meditating doesn't mean you have to get rid of the snow, you just have to stop shaking the snow globe. There are days when we can't get rid of certain thoughts no matter how hard we try. What we can do though, is slow everything down enough to the point where we can think clearly through our current hardship or our "snow". Through your meditation journey, always keep that concept in the back of your mind, because there will be moments when you'll need to give yourself grace.

To wrap this up, I truthfully don't know who I'd be or where I'd be if it weren't for this practice. It has calmed so many of my storms and it has been my saving grace when all else felt hopeless. I cross my fingers that even just one person reading this can get inspired enough to start their own journey.

Remember that meditating WILL be uncomfortable at times, it WILL make you cry randomly. It will be long some days, short some days and sometimes all over the place. I promise that it is worth every moment. Trust yourself, relax, and try again and again and again. You are worthy of the consistency and benefits that it brings. 

I hope you all have a beautiful day and I can't wait to dive into some more of my clothing's meanings. In case I hadn't influenced you enough, I will leave you with a list of 10 health benefits to meditating. 

1. Reduces stress and anxiety, leading to improved mental health

2. Increases clarity and focus, improving productivity

3. Helps improve sleep quality, leading to better overall health

4. Helps regulate emotions, improving interpersonal relationships

5. Helps reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, leading to better physical health

6. Helps reduce blood pressure, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease

7. Helps improve self-awareness and self-acceptance, leading to improved self-esteem

8. Helps cultivate gratitude and optimism, leading to a more positive outlook on life

9. Helps reduce symptoms of depression, leading to improved mental health

10. Helps reduce chronic pain, leading to improved quality of life



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