Masculine Ego Feminine Ways

First product line that I want to go deeper into the meaning of, is "masculine ego feminine ways". This was the very first piece of clothing that I created, and it is probably the one that means the most to me. 

Glancing at that quote some people probably scoff at the ego portion. Like I said in my previous post, things can be taken so many different ways, and as with this one, it again comes from a positive/healed headspace. 

It was about 5 years ago when I had started learning the importance of balancing out the different energies within myself. I didn't like how I carried my confidence and I didn't know how to control my emotions. I chased people to be involved in my life and I let a lot of past trauma bring out the "I can do it myself" stance with literally everything. Not saying that's a bad thing either, I still do that, however I have learned over time that in regards to a healthy relationship, I need to let a true masculine man be a masculine man. Ya feel me? Like it's alllll about learning the balance between the two. 

One of my favorite books is "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus." This book doesn't go into the energy of each gender, however it was my starting point of understanding the many biological differences between us. Then I went down the rabbit hole of masculine vs. feminine energy.

We all have masculine and feminine qualities. These qualities can be well integrated, or out of balance. I noticed I didn't like my balance AT ALL. A lot of times we pin all masculinity as toxic. However, surprise, it's not. Masculine energy is all about taking action; it's strong and stable; it's self-confident. Masculine energy likes to make decisions fast. It’s decisive. Knows what it wants and goes after it. It’s competitive and likes to win and break through barriers. It’s logical.

Feminine energy on the other hand is creative and inspiring. It’s the energy that creates life. It loves beauty, and it stimulates creativity. It’s nurturing, it’s supportive. Feminine energy is an intelligent and loving energy that contains the quality of our compassion, emotion, empathy, and truth. When you are strong in your feminine, you have a strong connection to your body and intuition, and you can make decisions based on what you feel in your heart.

Masculine and feminine energies are both equally important and necessary. To be balanced, to get things done, and to have a healthy relationship with yourself and others, both the masculine and the feminine need to be present. We just need to realize when and how much of each energy is necessary. The key is balance and knowing where and when to use each.

SO, as for the quote "masculine ego feminine ways", I have found that in MY journey, that is how I like to carry myself. I'll be damned if I don't have that typical masculine confidence and drive, and I'll be damned if I don't sit in my beautiful feminine soul. Like ugh, the combo for me is perfect after I finally understood the importance of the two.

Go ahead and carry that masculine ego up high and don't let that feminine energy disappear within you. Don't let trauma or hard times diminish either energy. Use them hand in hand and you'll be unstoppable.

Love you all. Stay hot.  

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