
- Hello Mpwr Babes -

First and foremost, welcome. It means the world to me that anyone is on this website, let alone reading this blog post. It brings tears to my eyes knowing how far I've gotten with learning so many pieces of starting up and molding a business into what I dream of. 

I have always loved sharing my experiences in life, however I'm one of those people that is way better with words in the form of writing than I am verbally. 

It's always been one of my favorite feelings being able to connect with people that can learn even the tiniest things from my stories. Being able to relate so deeply with others and to spit out ideas and feelings is such a beautiful aspect of the human experience and I'll be damned if I take that for granted. 

Now, what do I want to use this blog for exactly?


No but in all seriousness, I take a lot of pride in the pieces that I create and I want to share those inspiration starting points. All of the statements and quotes that I use correlate with the deep healing process I pushed myself through in my early 20's and still carry with me in both my energy and outlook on life. Yes, some of the quotes I use can be goofy sounding or more on the fun side. The healing process can't be filled with monotone motivational blurbs 24/7. 

For example, my product line "That one pretty a$$ ex".

GIRL. I promise you that I don't carry the negative energy that could be taken with that statement. All men and women are incredibly beautiful in their own way. Your vibe, your humor, your drive. It isn't always about looks and please remember that. You know damn well that you gotta GAS YOURSELF UP and know that the people that leave you in the dust or do you dirty, do so solely for the fact that there needs to be room for the right ones. 

Therefore, I will proudly say, THAT ONE PRETTY A$$ EX. Believe it, embody it. Don't come on here all sensitive with quotes. SO many things can be taken so many different ways. Everything I showcase and preach comes from a positive headspace, has a way deeper meaning than it may seem, and from fully loving every aspect of who I am; and I truly hope that more of us can reach that point of immense interal love. 

This is an introduction of what the dynamic will be within MpwrBoutique's blog. This space will be used for advice, stories, feel goods, connecting with people, my inspiration for certain pieces, fun ideas. It will all connect with feeling empowered and confident. 

I can't wait to dive deeper into this journey, create more dope products, and I appreciate each and every one of you. Feel free to shoot comments on these posts and let's connect/create inspiring lil' baby blog talks, all while doing some online retail therapy of course.  ;) 

Love, Ashley

Founder and Creator of MpwrBoutique

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